Thursday, July 29

Geek stuff

I didn't really know what kind of stuff would end up in this blog. I was reckoning it would be a good way for my relatives and friends around the world to stop by and find out what was going on in my life. And then I started reading some of my friends' blogs. I'm going to start posting geek stuff and other non-personal things in here. Just so I can claim to be a genuine blogger. We'll see how long that lasts :-)
Anyhoo, I've been working as a Notes/Domino Admin consultant for over ten years now and on two continents. It got me a job in the states, and I can't complain about that. But every now and again, some bunch of M$ ass-kissers publish "independent" studies comparing Exchange and Notes/Domino. Just goes to show how much they know about the products when they compare an email platform with a full-blown messaging and collaboration platform. A company called Radicati published such an analysis claiming various things that have enraged the Notes/Domino community. I've not read it yet, but from the responses from such luminaries as Ed Brill and Libby seem to suggest that it is, at best, biased towards Microsoft products. The excerpts I have seen show that the "analysts" who wrote this are stretching things in various directions to make it look like M$ will dominate the email market in 4 years time. The M$ supporters have been saying that for at least the past 6 years, and still IBM continues to strengthen its world market share so we can take their claims with a pinch of salt.
I'll go read the report and see if I can add my 2¢ to the forums out there.

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