Tuesday, September 4

Managed to sneak in under 6 months . ..

I hadn't realized how long it has been . . . . but have I got a lot to talk about!
Since the last post much has happened - some good, some not so good. First off, I got a job and am now working for a major software company in the IT Management space. The self employed thing was fun but the security of a regular paycheck was a very nice option and I can still do some work on the side as it doesn't really compete with what I do for my new company (more on that in a subsequent post .. .) Still riding - now training for El Tour De Tucson in November - and on a diet to get me down to a decent weight to race next year. Might even buy a track bike again.
Unfortunately a close family member has been suffering from Leukemia for some years and has recently been diagnosed with Aesophogeal (sp?) Cancer. He is to undergo surgery next week in Scotland so Helen is going back to see him after the op and I might be able to make a short trip myself (my new boss is very cool with the situation but there is some product training I need to get that happens the week after the surgery).

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