Tuesday, October 26

John Peel R.I.P

I just found out that John Peel died. One of the most innovative radio DJs the world has seen, Peely brought so mutch great music to the world through is shows on Radio One in the UK. I grew up listening to him late at night and heard many bands that would go on to be major stars. I just started to listen to his show again a few weeks ago after I listening to streaming audio of his show over the web. Bummer. Just when I was getting to hear cutting edge music again after 6 years of bouncing around FM and AM radio here to find the same old cr@p on them all. Hopefully there will be someone else that will step into his shoes and keep up the tradition of bringing unsigned bands to the airwaves to get some recognition. A&R guys are not always the best judges of music talent and if it were not for John Peel, we may never have heard the Clash, Souxsie & the Banshees, the Smiths and the other bands he launched through his show.
R.I.P. John - we'll miss you!

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