Tuesday, March 9

And so it begins

Got to start somewhere I guess. It's about 85 degrees outside right now, and I'm so glad I work in an air-conditioned office. I can't believe I'm complaining about the heat in San Diego, but it is March and it shouldn't be much above 65 at this time of year.
I just got back to work after a 6 week layoff to recover from neck surgery - a Cervical Laminectomy - and have found that much has changed here. New staff members and several fires to put out. That's what they pay me for so I shouldn't complain.
I'm a Network Admin at a web development company in Carmel Valley - I deal with the servers, phones, desktops, laptops and cabling/power etc. Keeps me busy but it can drive me crazy.
Life here is great. Recommended. I still stop and pinch myself every now and again to make sure I do actually live here - 31 years in Scotland and then I moved here for a change in lifestyle. Couldn't be more different than back in the homeland.